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Find Adult Daycare in TEMPLE HILLS

There are about 1 adult day care providers in TEMPLE HILLS.

The Arc of Prince George’s County - Temple Hills Day Program
6001 Southgate Drive
Temple Hills MD 20748
(301) 894-2915
The Arc's Day Services provide a variet of recreational, enrichment, vocational, community, and therapeutic experiences, ensuring that the people we support enjoy a meaningful day. The Arc has four day centers providing services for the Northern, Central, and Southern areas of Prince George's County. These facilities are located in Laurel, Temple Hills, and two locations in Largo, MD. The goal of The Arc's Day Services is to support community integration and provide exciting experiences for all participants in the program(s). Supported by an Arts, Personal Development, and Fitness Coordinator, the specialists and staff at each center offer a wide range of activities and excursions related to the arts, movement and dance, fitness, music, personal development skills and enhancements, and technology. Through community partnerships with arts and cultural organizations, fitness and recreation facilities, the Maryland-National Capitol Parks and Planning Commission, local businesses and civic organizations, our folks are provided with an exciting range of outings and enrichment opportunities.

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