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Find Adult Daycare in FREDERICK

There are about 3 adult day care providers in FREDERICK.

Daybreak Adult Day Services, Inc.
7819 Rock Springs Road
Frederick MD 21702
(301) 696-0808
Daybreak has been serving the needs of Frederick County Seniors for 25 years and we hope that we may be able to help you. We are a daytime program where senior citizens who may need support or assistance can get out of the house and have a good time. We provide medical supervision (in our medical day program), door to door transportation, delicious meals, physical assistance and support, and physically and mentally stimulating activities in a bright and spacious center.
Washington County Human Development Council, Inc. - Medical Day Care (Frede
916 N. East Street
Frederick MD 21701
(301) 293-6055
Medical Day Care are offered to adults who are medically handicapped and/or have developmental disabilities with medical conditions. The Human Development Council offers this program in both Frederick and Washington counties. We provide medically supervised activities and therapies to enhance the quality of life for our participants. Our professionally trained staff work with each individual on a daily basis to encourage personal growth and independence while maintaining a safe and secure environment. These "center-based" services are offered to adults of all ages who desire to participate in a daily activity program and require medical supervision to maintain their optimum health.
Unified Community Connections Adult Day Services - Frederick
5736 Industry Lane
Frederick MD 21704
(301) 663-8700
Unified Community Connections' day program services, located throughout Maryland, offer men and women with developmental disabilities 21 years of age or older the opportunity to engage in meaningful individual and group activities focusing on the development of interpersonal, social and vocational skills. Our day program centers in Middle River, Frederick, Hagerstown and Cumberland, Md., include sensory stimulation rooms, mat areas, computer labs and various activity areas. All centers have nurses and activity coordinators on site. Each center operates Monday through Friday. Unified Community Connections provides Para-Transit (wheelchair life-equipped) transportation to and from the centers each day.

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