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Find Adult Daycare in KEALAKEKUA

There are about 1 adult day care providers in KEALAKEKUA.

P.O. Box 1360
Kealakekua HI 96750
Dignity, self-respect and self determination are among the inalienable rights of every human being. Every stage of life should bring with it the opportunity to live meaningfully. We should all be given the chance to pursue our interests, exercise as much personal independence as possible, demonstrating our usefulness to society. We should also be given the opportunity to take maximum advantage of our physical capabilities to continue treasured relationships with family and friends. The Kona Adult Day Center is dedicated to these principals. However, because this center is designed for the care of the physically frail and/or impaired participants, there are additional needs, which must be addressed in the philosophy of the agency. All participants enrolled at the Kona Adult Day Center have special needs. With clear understanding of the range of abilities and limitations of each participant, it is the mandate of this agency to provide the highest and most appropriate level of skilled care and caring by: 1. Recognizing each participant as first and foremost an individual with his or her own unique life history, talents, abilities and tolerances. 2. Creating a therapeutic environment in which each deficit and physical impairment is considered and compensated for in a specifically designed, organized and appropriate care environment. 3. Understanding that the participant’s abilities to carry out functions of daily living have been altered in some way and those residual functions and abilities must be encouraged and strengthened to ensure optimum independence. 4. Appreciating the needs of the caregiver by providing support and education through individual counseling, facilitation of the KADC Caregiver’s Support Group and the creation of a caring environment. 5. Educating staff and providing support sessions for the purpose of maintaining personal well-being and enhancing professional knowledge, skills and abilities. By creating a therapeutic day program, participants can work toward maintaining the highest level of a functioning, caring life.

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